At PageLever, we share our best Facebook marketing tips and tricks with our customers to help them succeed. I’ve been hesitant to reveal this secret though – it’s just too good. But over the Thanksgiving holiday, I decided that it’s time to let this one out and see what others can do with it. Read on and read carefully – this is one you don’t want to miss.

First, some context:

Below are some baseline numbers for average performance of Facebook Ads in both the News Feed and the right-hand sidebar. Even the Mobile News Feed, which outperforms nearly every other display or mobile ad unit, has an average CTR that is only slightly above 1% – still incredibly high, but nowhere near 9.679%.


If a good CTR on Facebook is 1%…

How did we achieve a 9.679% CTR?

Answer: Domain Sponsored Stories + News Feed

a.k.a. the ad that’s not really an ad at all


Doesn’t look like an ad at all, right? Just someone sharing a link, not even connected to a Facebook Page. Read the PDF below to find out why Domain Sponsored Stories work so well, and learn how to create them for your own website:

Facebook’s Best-Kept Advertising Secret: Domain Sponsored Stories