420885 10101718389550414 2072340652 n Milestone: Were measuring over 1 billion connections between Pages and Facebook users
This past Wednesday, Facebook announced that they’d hit the major milestone of one billion active users.

We were naturally curious how many connections between Facebook Pages and users we measure — as it turns out, we hit a big milestone ourselves on the same day:

As of October 4th, 2012, PageLever measures 1,101,504,623 connections between Pages and Facebook users.

Now, we don’t want to overstate our case — our number represents the total number of likes of all the Pages that we measure, not unique users on Facebook. Even still, one billion is a massive number of connections between Pages and users, and we were amazed to have hit it right at the same time as Facebook hit one billion active users.

In just 13 months since we launched, we’ve grown faster than we’d ever expected – kudos to our friends at MongoHQHeroku and of course, at Facebook for helping us scale our operations to the next level.

Most importantly, thank you to our customers for helping us reach this milestone – we do this for you, because we know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Thank you for your support, and we’re looking forward to building even better solutions for you over the next year as Facebook marketing continues to evolve and expand.

Here’s to the next billion users.