Author: unifiedsocial (page 3 of 8)

Be an hero: help us create Insights


Starting today, you can have a hand in helping us perfect a new experimental feature:Insights. The project aims to identify for marketers what content is working, when to post, and whom to engage. But we need your help.

Interested? Read on…

Help us create Insights


Starting today, customers have access to an experimental preview of a new section.

Insights is a new top-down view of all of your social media marketing organized around what’s working and what matters.

In its first draft, Insights can tell you, at a glance…


  • When to post — based on what posts have drawn traffic, engagement, and conversions.
  • Whom to engage. Your most popular follower isn’t necessarily your most effective amplifier (and, in most cases, is not), so we consider whose amplification and engagement maximize your impressions, traffic, and results.
  • What content works — not just at being amplified, but more importantly at generating ROI.
  • What content doesn’t. Maybe you want to give it a lift; maybe you want to take it behind the barn. That’s up to you, but we thought you should know. (Sorry.)
  • What’s hot right now. Is a piece of content newly attracting more clicks and conversions? Is engagement spiking for a social post? Did you just get a burst of new followers? Let’s find out why.


Try it out

Insights is available to customers now, if you manually point your browser to Give it a whirl.

Not yet That’s easy enough to fix. For a walk-through of our tools and a deep-dive into how we can help optimize your social media marketing to maximize your ROI, hit us up for a demo.

Break all the things

This is a work in progress. Between when I took screenshots and now, we’ve already moved things around. It will continue to change; things will disappear; new things will take their place; and stuff will break. We actually expect it to break — we want it to break — so we can understand exactly how our customers will interact with it at scale.

The obvious disclaimer here is that this means you almost certainly absolutely shouldn’t blindly trust what Insights tells you (yet). But the way that we’ll fine-tune our rankings, make our reports easier to understand and act upon, and help marketers maximize the ROI of their social media marketing is by throwing our baby (Insights) out to the lions (you) in the Colosseum (I lost control of this metaphor), and making constant improvements as we go.

Tell us all about it

Tilly McLain is just a click away. Click away. Click away, yeah

Here’s where we need your help.

The whole enterprise depends upon your candid feedback, so don’t be shy. Make liberal use of the “Help” and “Ideas” tabs that float in the bottom right corner of Insights (and throughout to tell us what you love, what you hate, and what else we should try.


The first question people tend to ask us somehow involves our canine staff member, but the secon— well, the second question people tend to ask is whether the company is really called “”, and whether that’s pronounced “awesome”. (Yes.) Okay.

But the third question tends to be a variation on this theme:

Thanks for the data, but now what?’s all about helping marketers understand the ROI of their social media marketing by tracking the success of each social post. And at this we’re only getting better and better and better. But for all the powerful ways we help marketers slice and dice their data, we continue to hear feedback that you’d like us to wrap it up into actionable conclusions, too.

You can do it (put your back into it)

At the end of the day, the point of tracking is to identify what works, so you can do more of that, and identify what doesn’t, so you can do less — saving yourself time and money. So our holy grail remains a product that straight up says, Do this, not that and makes it easy for you to do it.

We continue to experiment with ways to deliver that insight. As is their wont, some of those experiments work better than others, and we’ve probably come away with enough learnings on data visualization and event detection to write multiple poorly-selling books.

Want to help us bring something amazing to life? Want to help us at least come up with more stuff for the inevitable books? Good. Buckle up.

Unleash your inner mad scientist. Check out an demo and join the experiment here.


*Originally published on the blog

Video: meet’s new dashboard

If you missed this week’s news about’s new dashboard for marketers, here’s a video recap.

We’re pretty excited by how much easier it gets, every day, to use to understand the ROI of brands’ social media marketing investments. Take a look:


Learn more about the dashboard here, then schedule a demo.

*Content originally published on the blog

What’s new? Meet the dashboard, deeper details, and audience shares


Can’t say we didn’t warn you. We get daily feedback from the brands and agencies who rely on to understand the value of their social media marketing — and others who just enjoy abusing our live-chat widget… — and we take it to heart. is constantly improving, and today we’re pretty excited to show off some of our newest stuff.

Dashboard professional


Considering how powerful is, and how much data we can help you collect about your sharing, an obvious question is how to make sense of it all, and see at a glance how your social media marketing is performing. So meet the new dashboard.


When you log into your for Marketers account, you’ll now be presented with a glimpse of how everything comes together. How have all of your goal conversions performed? Which pieces of shared content performed best? What trends took place over time? Have you gained followers? Increased engagement?

The dashboard is intended to be quickly consumed — it’s the first web page I check every morning — to help you understand what works, and assess if anything merits deeper digging.


Deep, man

And speaking of digging deep…


Surely you already know that you can drill down to see the details of an individual social post — just click that orange magnifying glass. But now you can see those details rolled up to the level of each piece of shared content, too. We call it content details, but you can call it whatever you’d like (as long as you don’t call it Shirley). We bet it’ll be a big help.


For the first time, now makes it easy to understand how each piece of content you share performs: the clicks it receives from each social network where you posted it, every social interaction that follows, the pageviews and conversions that result. The actionable data you get:

What should I post, and what does it get me?


All my child-shares


The whole point of sharing your content to social media is to start a conversation. As the marketing industry has learned, and we keep pointing out, a Tweet can incite a Pin, which leads to a Like, from which someone comments, then re-tweets.

Only tracks multiple generations of sharingacross multiple social networks. Now, we show you the true impact of that sharing.

By flipping the Audience shares toggle, you now can see the pieces of content which your site visitors have shared — by using sharing buttons, or just by grabbing the link out of the address bar and sending it to their friends.

At a glance, you can see the content that’s shared the most, in addition to aggregated totals of those shares’ visits, pageviews, conversions, and re-shares.


When you drill down into the details of each piece of content you’ve shared or each individual social post, you’ll now see new totals that distinguish between “Parent” and “Child” shares. In other words, When I post, how many visits, pageviews, and conversions do my posts actually bring in?


What this means is, finally, it’s possible to completely quantify what you’ve long suspected: your social sharing goes far — really far — and creates value that well exceeds what directly comes from each post. Whether you’re a strategist trying to optimize your social marketing or an individual practitioner looking to justify her value to her CMO, this visibility is indispensable, and unmatched.

Now what?

At this point, clearly we ought to take a nap with the Corgi, but improbably enough we’ve got more in the hopper.

If you’re already sold, ping us for a demo. If you’re interested in watching continue to innovate in bringing visibility, measurability, accountability, and optimization to social media marketing, well, stay tuned.

*Originally published on the blog

You’re so and you don’t even know it.


While you’ve been digging yourself out of the snow again — and again — and again —’s continued to make it easier to power, measure, and optimize your social media marketing funnel. Since we launched for Marketers this summer, we’ve worked closely with our customers to make refinements, add features, and make marketers’ lives easier.

With enhancements added daily, and some more exciting ones coming up soon, now’s a good time to step back and check in on our high-level features.


Fundamentally, works by powering trackable social sharing, bringing visibility to how this sharing contributes to your marketing funnel, and providing insights you can use to improve your efforts and maximize your ROI.

How? Glad you asked…

Make lots of links.


The backbone of is creating short, customized tracking links for activity you share across your social channels. For example, if you’re sharing a blog post to three social networks — Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, say… — will make three links, one for each channel. This is different from how a link shortener works, and it makes it possible to break out the clicks, pageviews, and business results that come from each network.

Our dead-simple link creator and site tools automate the process of creating new links and keeping track of where they go and how they’re used, to give you powerful visibility into what works.

Track conversions.


Conversion tracking has been a staple of web analytics for as long as there’s been a web. brings closed-loop attribution to social media marketing, too.

Define custom conversion goals that match your business’s KPIs — sales, registrations, video views, app downloads … anything that matters to you — and track how much of each result from every social post. This makes it possible to track the ROI of social in dollars and cents, not just in Likes and Retweets.

Identify top performers.


It’s easy to use’s reporting tool to slice and dice on every dimension.

Want to compare how different shared content performs? See which pieces of content drive engagement and earn conversions, so you can optimize your content strategy.

Want to find people who amplify your message and share it with their followers? Track the shares created by each site visitor to see what they share, measure the impact they create, and connect with them directly to reward them or ignite their engagement.

Track virality.


Track social media marketing’s elusive rainbow unicorn: the source of “virality”. Your Tweet drives my Facebook share, which drives my boss’s Pin, which leads to a conversation on Disqus, and his friend’s purchase — so tracks multiple generations of sharing across multiple channels.

When you have visibility into how your posts perform, how content is re-shared throughout your community, and how that sharing contributes to your goals, then you can grab the unicorn by the horn.

Capture all of your visitors’ sharing.


When was the last time you clicked a share button? … No? Us neither. So doesn’t just track the sharing your visitors perform with your sharing buttons, we also capture what happens when a visitor grabs your page’s link out of their address bar.

It shouldn’t surprise you that social conversations unfold across IMs, emails, comments, and more — but it might surprise you to know that this kind of sharing happens almost ten times more frequently than anyone clicks a share button. If you’re not tracking this, you don’t understand what’s going on.

But wait — there’s more!

Don’t even get us started … well, okay, you already did. But if you’re interested in learning more, geeking out with analytics nerds, and checking things out, let’s get in touch.

*Originally posted on the blog

5 ways to score with your social media strategy this Valentine’s Day

As everyone knows, February 14 commemorates the Roman Empire’s murder of Valentinus of Terni — twice: when Emperor Claudius Gothicus’ original sentence of death by clubbing and stoning somehow didn’t do the trick, he was re-sentenced to beheading outside the Flaminian Gate, and this worked. (That’s amore.)

Of course, if you choose to focus instead on St. Valentine’s work as a matchmaker this February 14th, then you know there’s no better time of year to review your social media marketing strategy through a romantic lens. Based on our work measuring and optimizing the performance of social media marketing for some of the world’s biggest brands, here are some simple steps to help you get your leads to say “I do” — without even overpaying for chocolates.

Go long

Just as with real life, there’s nothing stopping you from using social media to score some fleeting romance … but Mardi Gras isn’t for another month, and Valentine’s Day is more commonly associated with finding true love. The smart marketer aspires to acquire and retain customers for the long haul. Social can do more than generate interest for your brand: with proper planning and careful execution, your social campaign can actually lay the groundwork for a mutually fulfilling, committed relationship.


If you have only a fuzzy notion of what you want out of your social media marketing, you’ll get fuzzy results, so ask yourself in advance, What do I want out of this? Many brands stop at the mere flirtation of Likes and Retweets, but you can — and should — engage customers with an actual business goal in mind and an ROI to measure against. Your goal doesn’t have to be a transaction: it could be a coupon download, webinar registration, mailing list signup, or video view. But know in advance what you’re pursuing. This will guide you as you create your social content and plan your execution.

Emulate this guy


Giacomo Girolamo Casanova planned his dates like you wouldn’t believe. Entire books have been written about the Casanova method: complicated plots, heroes and villains, and gallant outcomes, coupled with meticulous attention to small details, all engineered to overwhelm his beloved with excitement, gratitude, and infatuation.

First of all, think about that the next time you spend 4 minutes lining something up on OpenTable while concurrently brushing your teeth. More importantly, consider every element of your marketing funnel as part of a courtship to win over your customers.

Beyond the superficial charm of a witty Tweet, does your site’s user experience surprise and delight your visitors? Do your copy and interaction design help guide them to a more fulfilling conversion? Do your visitors find content worth sharing, and feel invited to engage more deeply? Like Casanova, script every element of your interactions to attract your prospects to commit. Nowhere does the old adage about failing to plan is planning to fail ring more true.

Pay attention

We don’t recommend going on a date without making eye contact — did he like the wine I picked?, is there something in my teeth?, was that story about my mom funny?… — and you shouldn’t fly blind with social media marketing, either.

When it comes to tortured romantic metaphors, think of social media marketing less like a flock of doves you release once and watch take to the sky, and more like a moonlit gondola which you continue to steer down the canals. The tools now exist to monitor every post from the moment it goes out, and not just the Likes or Retweets it gets out on the social networks, but the site visits, pageviews, and funnel conversions that result. Use this feedback to adjust and optimize over the course of the campaign.

If a given social network or a given style of content performs better, don’t be afraid to switch things up. On one recent campaign, an customer launched with the intention of relying heavily upon influencer tweets, but less than a week in realized that earned social posts attracted more valuable traffic, so they quickly upped the size of their share buttons. Don’t be afraid to switch things up and do more of what works — just like those killer stories about Mom.

Be yourself

Keep your messaging true to your brand voice, and be transparent about your intentions. You can only truly love those who love you back, so pre-qualify your customers by accurately representing the value you provide. If you steer clear of gimmicks or gotchas, those who engage with your content, visit your site, and proceed down your funnel stand the best chance of converting into a life-long fulfilling relationship … or at least a happy customer.

Love is a battlefield, so suit up. This Valentine’s Day, you’ve got this, you old heartbreaker, you.

*Originally published on the blog

Facebook News Feed Updates: What You Need To Know

Ask any experienced Facebook marketer how to succeed on Facebook and invariably they’ll mention the News Feed. This river of stories is the core of the Facebook experience. So when Facebook tweaks the News Feed algorithm (formerly called EdgeRank), marketers need to adjust their content strategy.

Facebook just announced that starting January 21st, text posts from Pages will have a lower weighting in the News Feed algorithm.

Text status updates look like this:

While they can include links, they don’t include photos, videos, or link previews. For example, the status update above includes a link, but no preview. The link post below includes a full link preview:

Post reach is a function of fan engagement and algorithm weighting. As a result of Facebook’s algorithm change, a link post that includes a link preview will generate more impressions-per-engagement than a simple text status update that includes a link but no preview.

Most content strategies incorporate a number of different types of posts. Some posts are focused on getting the word out. For these FYI posts, the goal is to maximize impressions/reach. When posting these, experiment with link posts instead of text status updates because that avoids the reduction in reach for text status updates. For example, take a text status update like “Our credit card processing system just passed the latest security audit,” and add a link to a webpage about credit card security.

Other posts focus on building a brand by establishing rapport with customers. These posts generally focus on driving deep engagement with your core audience—you don’t want someone to just see a status update, you want to actually generate an emotional response. Text status updates and photos are both effective at driving this deep engagement because they focus on the essence of the post without distraction. For example, if a bakery posted “Banana bread: Better with or without chocolate chips?” they will likely generate more engagement if they don’t include a link.

While it looks like a link post, this is actually a photo upload that includes a link in the caption.

Finally, some posts are focused on getting users to click through to a website. While you can put the link in either a text status update, a photo caption, or a link status update, across our customer base, link posts are already the consistent winners at driving traffic. After this change to the News Feed algorithm, we expect link posts to outperform plain text updates by an even greater margin.

Regardless of the type of post, if you put paid spend behind your posts then it’s important to monitor their performance in real-time. Don’t use advertising dollars to prop up boring content, use it to accelerate successful content. Unfortunately, no marketer can predict with 100% accuracy which posts will flop and which will succeed. So use a real-time analytics tool like Unified Now to move advertising dollars away from posts that are flopping and toward posts that are succeeding – and remember that you should make that determination within the first 24 hours.

All page audiences are different, and it’s important to figure out what works for you and your audience. Some audiences engage more with links, some with pure text. If your fan base strongly prefers text updates, you might find the extra engagement is a stronger factor than the lowered algorithmic weighting.


Your customers’ conversations span multiple networks; why don’t your analytics?

In case you missed it, this week I’ve had the opportunity to post on  Jack Myers’ MediaBizBlog Network which explains why, in order to understand the recent sensational spike in holiday shoppers’ use of mobile devices, it’s essential to understand consumers’ social media activity.

Focusing on the mobile device is only half the story. You’ll get truly valuable insights to help fine-tune marketing plans by also looking at how consumers are acting on that device.

It’s a quick and useful read — I recommend you check it out — but I wanted to highlight one of the points I raised there: Not only does social activity drive mobile commerce, but specifically social conversations that span multiple social networks and channels.

Understanding how word spreads across these networks is essential, and it’s also tricky. Neither traditional site analytics nor any individual social network’s tracking is accurate; you need closed-loop social attribution.

Referrer madness

You’re likely somewhat familiar with referrers. As a simple example, imagine I’m browsing the page, I see a neat writeup about one of your products, and I click a link from that article back to your site. Once I get there, I view a page, maybe a few, and then make a purchase.

Your site analytics tool captured that I was referred by, and attributed my visit, pageviews, and conversions to that source. That’s valuable knowledge for you to have, and it’s the backbone of site analytics. So far, so good.

But, now, suppose that instead of learning about your site from an article on, I learned about it from one of my friends while browsing Twitter on my phone? Plenty of research (and common sense) suggests these Tweets are far more persuasive than site links, let alone ads. But if you try to find these Tweets in your site analytics, you’ll come up short.

If you’re lucky, you’ll see traffic referred by Twitter’s domain — and even this isn’t guaranteed. And you definitely won’t see which specific Tweet drove the visit.

Hairball of Confusion

If you can’t track which specific Tweet drove a visit, pageview, or purchase, then you’re in the dark. Good luck sorting out whether my valuable visit came from my friend’s Tweet or your own social media marketing team’s activity on Facebook.

But what if you try to work around this using Twitter’s analytics platform, and their recently announced conversion attribution tool? No dice: this only works with promoted Tweets.

And even if my friend’s Tweet were promoted, so that Twitter did track conversions from the promoted Tweet, you’d still be missing a major piece of the story: why did my friend Tweet?If word of mouth is so effective, you’ll want to know what motivates these valuable conversations. And referrer analysis or any individual network’s conversion tracking are completely ineffective here.

The Pin is mightier than the sword

SPOILER ALERT: Here’s what actually happened. Your social media team made a Pin about one of your cool items. My friend, browsing Pinterest, liked what she saw and clicked through to your site. Once there, she made a purchase and Tweeted about it — perhaps by clicking a social sharing button on your site, or by using her smartphone’s share-to-Twitter feature. I saw the Tweet, clicked back to your site, and made a purchase.

Brilliant! This is why you pay a marketing team to hang out on Pinterest all day… and it worked!

But that conversation spanned your Pin, my friend, Twitter, and my iPhone. And using referrer-based attribution and individual networks’ analytics tools to connect the dots between posts on multiple social networks and visits from different referrers isn’t just difficult, it’s impossible.

This is a big problem. If a growing amount of online shopping happens on mobile (it does), and mobile activity is driven by social (it is), and conversations span multiple social networks (they do), then gaining visibility into how social drives ROI is critical, and relying on old methods just won’t cut it.

Help is on the way

There is good news: it is possible to connect the dots. does this by creating a closed attribution loop, capturing details about every social post made by you and your site visitors, and tracking multiple generations of sharing, even when they span multiple social networks.

As mobile drives more and more of your traffic (and conversions), it becomes critically important to understand how to engage customers in mobile.  The data shows that social is one of the most effective and efficient ways to reach and engage mobile users.  Simply put, being more successful in mobile than your competition requires that you accurately understand the viral pathways and ROI of your social media marketing. Let’s get in touch.

*Originally published on the blog

Infographic: Entertainment Advertising on Facebook

Global revenue for the entertainment industry is expected to top $1.4 trillion dollars by 2015, and smart entertainment marketers have found remarkable success using Facebook to reach consumers.

Our latest infographic explores how the entertainment industry differs from other vertical markets on Facebook, including how men and women differ in their interactions with entertainment advertising.

Read on to learn more about what drives marketers’ entertainment success.

As with all of Unified’s infographics, feel free to repost using the embed code you’ll find here.

Entertainment Industry Facebook Advertising Benchmarks

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